The Most Hypocritical Feminist Blogger! Reel Girl!

I guess this must make it a part 2 on my last blog about mothers arguing over gender stereotype toys. Sort of but actually it’s more of a blog where I want discuss more crap I discover. I am I saying that I am agreeing with this lady all the way? No! She’s over the top in quite a few ways. BUT however, I can support what she does in certain ways based on my experiences and what I find bothersome comparing to what these arguments are all about. I am going to showing you links to her blogs to prove and then I have a big message especially for her if she’s reading this.

Just look:

‘Minions’ most sexist kids’ movie of the year, rated Triple S for gender stereotyping

See what I mean? From looking at comments, many are offended by her overreacting and forcing one of her daughters to watch for a strong female character while going for a potty break. But anyways, the creator of Minions, Pierre Coffin says they are all male because he cannot imagine any female ones in there if the minions are all going to be dumb and stupid personality wise. He thinks that a dumb female character would be weird. So why don’t you go yell at him!

Like sexist ‘Minions,’ giants in ‘The BFG’ are all male

Why don’t you watch, Ella Enchanted? That film contains female giants and it’s actually one of my favorite movies of all time. But here on Roald Dahl being sexist! Margot, just let me get to something else about that later.

Cartoon Network’s history of sexism: cancelling shows for featuring too many girls


Sexed up Powerpuff Girls point to Cartoon Network’s girl problem

I like the Powerpuff Girls for being strong female heroes but yeah that sexualized photo of them was very weird. But lady, where’s your criticism for those many shows that portray their main female characters as ANNOYING or the villains against the boys? THAT is what bothers me! So you want “Mandy” to be the first to be stated in the to, “Billy & Mandy” just so it will look like the girl is not behind everything? What about the fact that she’s mean and Billy is the nice kid? See a problem there? What does that tell in terms of gender? What about the fact that Dexter’s Laboratory’s main female character DeeDee is annoying to audiences? I see something to get argumentative on there! And most of all, “Ed, Edd, N Eddy”!

Nearly ALL OF the main female character’s in there are BAD!!!! The Kanker Sisters are the harassing rivals and main villains of the show. Sarah is a spoiled, rude  + abusing brat and the most HATED character and viewers were annoyed and irritated by her due to all that + abusing her big brother. Nazz she is underdeveloped and is the sexual stereotype that is always argued abut when it comes to marketing appearance for girls just to get boys attention. Margot, I would be so satisfied if you made an argument on that based on what I say because it’s just repulsive and it really so bothers me and the way I see myself. And a lot of episodes always depict the boys getting the better of the girls because of the portrayal.

In fact, it wouldn’t make sense that girl would be loving that show. Cause imagine a reverse! Titled “An, Ann n Anny”, and nearly all of the male characters had a problem.  One of the girls had a bratty and rude little brother that the audience hates, one was a cute hunk every girl wanted, and three guys were harassing bullies to the three protagonists. And then there is a boy out there who is a fan of the show despite the male character portraying. Weird!

And if you look at her comment on the Disney Channel show, “Kim Possible” despite having a strong female protagonist, she wouldn’t pass her for Gender Bias because of Kim’s look. She is also baring her midriff. Her kids, when I showed it to them, asked her why they could see her belly button. It’s an example of sexualizing a female character. So apparently she’s putting us in a no win situation! Even if the protagonist is a strong female, there is still an excuse for it not to be approved! She still highly sexualizing! She still does not have enough dialog! In what way would make for a perfect work or how demanding can you can you get!

Female desire and the princess culture

My last blog talked about Peggy Orensteins book! Take a look at that to find out more! So dolls were invented to get little girls for motherhood? Not surprised at that. But what if later on you decide that you don’t want kids?

So it’s mentioned in here that because of segregated toys, cross friendships was discouraged. Boys and girls stoped playing together and that’s a public heath issue. It becomes detrimental to relationships, to psychological health and well-being, when boys and girls don’t learn how to talk to one another and that is blamed as the reason we have the divorce rates we do, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking behaviors, sexual harassment is because the lack of ability to communicate between men and women. Eliminating divorce or domestic violence may be an ambitious mandate for a pre-school curriculum, but its not without basis: young children who have friends of the opposite sex have a more positive transition into dating as teenagers and sustain their romantic relationships better as Orenstein argued.

To my surprise on this kind of practice, mom didn’t let me play with a group of boys because of thinking that wanted to do masculine activities and games. And at one point in middle school, I was teased by a bunch of dumb girls who were saying and asking if this boy I’ve known for so long is my boyfriend. We met in therapy class and we’re both on the spectrum. It’s like they think when opposite sexes spend tie with one another, they think it’s romantic type. I kept saying “no” but they still continued to ask me until I said “yes”. They even forced us to kiss! Even dad might freak out if seeing me with a boy!

It’s noted to encourage and reinforce cross-gender play. If your daughter is playing with a boy, acknowledge it, reinforce what they’re doing. You are the biggest influence in your kid’s life and not ‘just another person.’ And talk to your kids pre-school teachers and administrators about encouraging cross-gender play. Well, have you also wondered if maybe divorce rates have been going up because many rush in with relationships and don’t get to fully know another to be sure if they is who they really want? Also, these days I prefer to be in a group of girls because they agree with me more with what I am interested in and what I talk about + what I want to do! The only kind of boy I want is just my partner which is very hard to find!

It’s also mentioned that your kids are watching you! They are not just little people with fully formed minds and if you criticize your appearance (or another woman’s), how you treat your partner, how you eat, she takes note. This is what I mention on the relationship on my father and him commenting on my weight in my last blog! It was horrible! This is because his mom did that and she was ONE EXAMPLE that never followed these traits listed as I am being told!

Your kid is not a small adult. He or she has a different brain. Help that brain grow! Like if your son picks up a My Little Pony, buy it for him instead of yet another car. It won’t make him gay! It will make him smart!

This makes me think of something mentioned in the first “Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ book! Greg Heffley wanted a Barbie dream House when he was seven to use as a fort for his GI Joe soldiers. His mom thought just what Orestein says about it being healthy to experience whatever kid of toys he wanted to plat with but dad was too strong and won the argument about it being no way he would get him a dollhouse . He would rather him pick out toys that were more appropriate for boys. His uncle tried to get him what he wanted but didn’t this time. Because he didn’t know much about Barbie, he walked in the store and picked up the first thing he saw that had the word “Barbie”. Gregs dad was not at all pleased with it and forced him to not keep it. How do you feel about that?

Why are kids the gender police?

This was mentioned in my last blog too! Preschoolers don’t know what a penis or vagina is. And so they get a different idea on what makes you a girl or a boy. They will take something like barrettes make you a girl.

I mentioed the quite , “All this ‘slippery stuff’ can make a kid nervous– if she cuts her hair too short, she could turn into a boy!”

That reminds me of what I said in my last blog about me as a little kid. I had short hair that made me look boyish in and it did not impress me because of what society often shows and that is girls having long hair. It made it hard to tell for myself that I was a girl from time to time because of my hair. This not knowing about male or female sex parts totally explained why I felt that way! I was told as I said that the reason my hair was cut so short because I hated having it brushed or washed. That painful feeling and I am pretty sure from my studies that my Aspergers has something to do with that cause we can often be known to have a sensitive feel of touch. It proves one reason why it’s not easy being a girl with Aspergers. My hair is longer now and it’s much better to handle now that I am brushing and styling it myself. But still in my younger days, I imagine that trouble I’d get into with fitting in with the others if not like them. And sometimes people in my family force me as to cut it. It’s given me so many nightmares!

American kids in ‘creativity crisis’

The last time I heard, social media and apps are taking creativity away. Since why would this gender stereotype be anti-creative?


Well Tangled turned out to be very successful as we known and partly helped Disney regain their strength when entering the 2010s.

Congratulations to “Brave”

I liked the film but I’ve seen a few that didn’t really like it . Does this mean they are sexist and don’t think girls should have the lead role? Although I can only argue on how naughty Merida is compared to many of the other Disney Princesses are. Although it makes me wish for Kelly MacDonald who did her voice to be Crystal in my Mabel series. But stay tuned because I will be discussing the gender marking issue with Pixar shortly.

New study shows Disney movies teach sexism: Even when females star, males get more lines

Sexist comment from animator of ‘Frozen’ typical of industry that limits females

So could that quote mean just a reason to why there are more male characters almost all the time or do you suppose it’s because they are easier to develop than females? Sure anything can happen in a fantasy world but why not gender equality? I am not the person who really knows that 100%. And I can only imagine Margot is going to be really unhappy and triggered when she see’s this comment

“Your mind is full of shit.

In comic worlds, over 80% of consumers are MALES. It’s so fucking obvious why the most sexual appealing body type are the mainstream, and more over, male body types are also so fucking unreal and NOBODY is crying about that. Go face real problems, learn what the fuck is fiat money and stop blaming animators rolf”

Yeah, I can agree, you are overreacting to everything, Margot! Sure, people have always asked me about comic superheroes and I was never into them somewhat but there are other things I am that really deserve better when marketing I which I will get too soon.

Disney diminishes a heroine in 4 easy steps

As far as I can see with a couple that try to help, she’ll always make excuses to deny them! I agree, go on and read the original story to child! I knew the original pretty much of Rapunzel before ‘Tangled’ was released!

Just as marketing intended, boy thinks central character of ‘Frozen’ is the Snowman

I be you have nothing to say about the fact Frozen has only 4 male characters: one a dimwit and idiot with gross habits, one a villainous, backstabbing catfisher and the other a devious and ignorant old man; the final one a loud, stupid, annoying idiot with an ugly design (especially in film 2) and how this might make little boys feel. But I guess that doesn’t matter because boys have enough of everything! You’re looking like feminism isn’t about equality to this day but rather about supremacy. You wish for the female popular to be superior to men!

I can about the myth on that girls will see movies about boys but boys will not see movies about girls. Girls are trained from the moment they are born that stories about boys are important and for everyone, whereas stories about girls are only for girls.  Yeah why do you think so many chick flicks especially for kids only stay in theaters for like only 2 weeks?

How do you know that girls that come out of the womb are not so opened minded as boys are and just see themselves mirrored? Also, the boy wasn’t really being selfish but you are! I can see you simply wouldn’t care if boys end up suffering do to what they see in media! But the Olaf’s comedy is porbabbly the reason why he was such a popular character in the first place! Why not argue to Hollywood that why is it always the boys that have to be funny and not girls?

About the “The Hobbit” and they’re not being any female character’s and yet a girl is a fan of it. I said the exact same thing about “Ed, Edd N Eddy” about a girl being fan even though all of the female characters are out out as bad.

Personally I find Frozen one of the most overrated movies ever to be made! For me, it makes me worry about finding my dream dude! I have a blog on that I made many years ago.

Wish ‘Big Hero 6’ starred a girl robot

Really? I like Baymax just the way he is and he has always been one of my favorites! But how would you feel to hear that I wish Charlie Bucket had been a girl or Arthur Reed or if there had been more female babies in the ‘Rugrats’ series when it first came about. Like I probably wish that Dil Pickles had been a girl. Too many boy babies expect for Lil Deville and the main female child is the bully everyone hates! How do you feel about that? Plus, Rugrats is one show that makes me feel like a bad person because I am only child. Why? Because the only character that remains an only through the full thing is the one that everyone hates as a nasty bully. And therefore, I am worry people who grew up in the 90s especially will look at me like that.

From what she said the girl just asked why the daughter had boy’s shoes, that’s not bullying. All the daughter needed to say was, “because I like them” or “I didn’t like any of the girl shoes in the store.” Then that would be it.

Although I can only imagine that whoever believes that little girl for wearing Star Wars shoes, probably was asking the same question over and over again. Margot even said she KEPT asking her that same question. When somebody ask you anything like “why are you wearing boys shoes?” You can answer that clearly, but what if they still ask you that over and over again even though you answer? That’s what she was talking about when her daughter got bullied for wearing Star Wars shoes.

But then there was another video with her daughter actually talking about somebody who was saying thing in that silly bully, tune, song “You have boy shoes! You have boy shoes!” It is shown in the next link! Now that’s where hearing that breaks me heart 😦

THAT is bullying but shouldn’t it be up to the school to deal with that and should be done quickly, not for the mother to make a big stink about it on the news? Well, I can make a theory to why someone would do that.

Bullies will always find something to bully someone for, it’s why they’re called bullies. Even if the girl stopped wearing the shoes they would find the next thing to target, even if the targeting was transferred to another kid. However, children naturally chose what they like and dislike. But here comes the problem if not taken care of!

I have read it is not so unusual for a girl with Aspergers to be part or fully tomboy and some might wonder if it’s because Aspergers affects mostly boys and therefore is something to represent the masculine sex. Suppose they are easily likely to get bullied? I don’t really know if that is true with all because for me, I grew up as mostly girly. 

However, there are some things out there that I got into that seem to have a market to mostly boys and I don’t think it means that I am not necessarily a girl, but there is just something flawed about merchandise that still kind of goes on to this day. When a film or maybe TV show comes out (some kind of form of media), it comes down to an issue with its merchandise as I said before. Even when that media work is made to be for both genders or gender neutral, the merchandise industry only see it as if there were no shades of gray to it. Just black and white or should I say in this case, pink or blue. The merchandise can either be marketed to only girls or only boys.

Bulling a girl for wearing Star Wars shoes just because they were made for boys? I thought Star Wars was made for BOTH genders! There’s a problem when it comes to merch.

And Toy Story franchise was made to be something both genders can enjoy! But when it came to marketing merchandise, it was placed to be targeted to boys which tells something completely different when it comes to being fan of the franchise + who it was meant to be targeted to. As I said, I had a birthday party that was Toy Story themed when I turned 6 and its not because I’m tomboy but it’s cause in this case scenario, this is flawed when it comes to marketing because the movies are meant to be gender neutral!

 Many Pixar movies are like this! Even though just about all of them are made for both genders, most of the merchandise gets pushed to boys. When the first Cars was released, much before it became a young masculine market franchise, the film was looked upon to be gender neutral. When that was so, I had a few of its merch including a comfy blanket that my cat used to love. Yet, it makes it embarrassing due to the gender marketing and that’s when I see a lot of problems. Would you not agree, Margot? This is the real issue! I can understand why gender stereotyping would lead to bullying.

At one point in my life, I had Wall-E bedding because I was such a huge fan of the movie and still am to this day. But we’re looking at it and we’re going back through the sections in the stores. It was located in the boys bedding area and I got worried about being bullied that that was chosen. Plus the film was made to be for both genders and so it’s not really fair that you can make its merchandise for just one gender. I loved the bedding, but I got worried about some girls thinking it being weird that I did not choose Disney Fairies, Hannah Montana, Camp Rock or anything marketed into the girl bedding section. I would’ve cried like a baby if I got bullied like this as the little girl who got bullied for Star Wars shoes did!

And plus I looked online to notice how many little girls are buying Wall-e toys and throwing birthday parties themed by him. And so this is one example I can say, is truly flawed, and that any movie or tv show that was made to be for both genders should be allowed to go on free flow , or at least make a separate merchandise that look more feminine friendly. I mean girls love anything cute, right? Why not a 2D Wall-e on anything with hearts surrounding him? Then we have separate merch for the same subject in fair share for both genders!

This is a sign where I see that the merchandise industry never sees any shades of gray. Even if something was made for both genders, I can only be marketed to one gender that is that they only see it has to be black or white. Or should I say pink or blue

It’s all because the merchandise makes the money for more movies so they have to prioritise the majority of viewers, that’s called business. But how the fuck do companies like Pixar know that boys are going to be the majority of Toy Story fans? You’re making it for both genders to enjoy!!!

I honestly think that it should be noted that company shouldn’t just care about money because that’s selfish. They should also care about what fans think and focus on what is going on out in the consumer world. You think they are making merch for the the majority of their audience and are entertaining the world, so the do care? I don’t think so! Like I said, how do you know this type of gender is going to be most of the fans? And sense each gender is half and half of the population, don’t you think that more money would be made if something went on free flow?

Sure they need to care about money otherwise it would mean no more movies, no more business and a colossal loss of jobs and a business/studio that went bust in an industry where it is difficult to be employed as it is. I’m very very sure that Pixar never meant to target just one gender when they first got started!

And then if all you care about is money then it makes the corporation soulless. The only movies I can think of from Pixar that are marketing to girls so far were, Brave, Finding Dory, and Inside Out.

So soulless corporations are full of human beings with families with children they need to support; people with bills to pay and experiences to be had; people full of creativity and stories and people enthusiastic about there work who just want and need to stay afloat! Well it’s still selfish not to care about whats going on on and if there is a negative outcome! Having wisdom as I may have talked about in a previous blog means knowing what does good and if you think your’e doing good but causing something to come at a cost on the other end, that’s where you’re seen as a fool. Plus, soulless corporations lead to people looking at it as evil.

Huzzah! Amazon drops ‘boy’ and ‘girl’ toy/ game categories

In revolutionary new ad, Target shows girls and boys playing “Star Wars” together

I got to say but I’m proud of Target too for realizing that both gender love Star Wars! But Margot I am very sure that gender police siren was thinking the same thing about YOU! That you were annoying too! And you even interrupted her which was very rude and immature! One even said you really know nothing about biology or development !

I’m not all the way how Orestien can say in “Cinderella Ate My Daughter” that things so many little girls love and take great joy in is damaging when they enjoy it. Because it’s making them only care about how they look? Forcing something on a girl is one thing (like this can be done by adults) but when the child is choosing is another. Most pre-school and nursery settings allow children to free play and children go towards the toys and dress up outfits of their choosing and many notice work the girls chose the princess dresses, without anyone forcing them. Girls might also chose the more boyish superhero outfits sometimes, but it’s rare. Children don’t chose what they’re into, it justcomes naturally. All stereotypes are based on truth and what this woman is arguing with is against the majorities truth, therefore there is no use arguing. And when it comes to merch for unisex/gender-neutral show the ratings measure how many male and female viewers there are. If there were more female viewers the merch is directed towards females, if they’re more male viewers the merch is made towards male, if it’s a 50:50 spread then you get both.

But Margot would be like as I can assume because the industry is telling them that that’s what they should be doing. The boys section is over here in the girls section is over here and it’s telling them that this is what you should be into according to your gender.

I know gender exists and it may not be not a social construct whether some people like it or not. But some of this type of selling doesn’t have to be this way.

In the olden days there used to be things that would go on free flow and boy and girl sections didn’t really exist back then. But even in the older days girls preferred dresses, dolls, jump ropes and hoops whereas boys preferred balls, trains, soldiers and marbles even all the way back to the Victorian Era. Well, how many girls that come out of womb do you suppose become tom boys or are they making up a small percent in world population?

Look! I understand if toy companies like Barbies + jewelry kits cold be marketed in the girls section and GI Joe + Hot Wheels would be marketed to boys. But movie companies like Pixar are not toy companies. They are here to make films for both genders to enjoy! So it should be fair that their merch should go on free flow! So that’s very different!

You know I started watching iCarly and that’s because the girl merchandise world was telling me I should be into it. I ended up loving the show anyway, but then there was also Camp Rock and I started watching that only because the girl merchandise was telling me that I have to love it. It’s a nice movie but looking at them now I think it’s wrong to target high school drama at young children. So part of what this lady is arguing about on basically the industry telling the children what to do influences them to what they do, and that is one example some of my experiences. I wanted to look like I was more girly than I acting at the time a few times. Some more better than others, though. Some other things like the Disney Princesses, Hello Kitty and Barbie I gravitated towards naturally but it’s also because mom bought me products from them in the first place and therefore I became into them starting there. So I can think that what your parents buy may influence you.

And by the look merch as of 2008, more guys watch cartoons.. Girls watch more non animated shows but with girls in them. With all their make up and relationships making girls grow up fast while guys stick to cartoons. This is so not true out in the real world! Lots of girls like me love cartoons and there are many ladies in the animation industry.

To make more on that, by the look of merchandise for girls around the time, they seem to expect that all of them have celerity crush and cartoon crushes never happen even though it really does.  They need to think about it that cartoon crushes are actually much easier! 

Another thing to consider is why someone would get on the news and do this. I will tell you based on my experience. If I got bullied for anything, I remember when I was in middle school, my mom would try to take away what I was being bullied for even if I loved it! So you think Margot would take her daughter Star Wars shoes away just to make sure she is not bullied? As far as I can see, no!

What about reporting to the principle? Well even if that does occur, it may not always stop the bully or if one decides to move to a new school because of that, the whole thing could still start up all over again! So I can imagine getting on the new and making a big stink about it will teach the entire world that not everyone is the same and that me or anyone can keep what their interests are. Teaching the market not to be gender stereotypical is one way as far as this goes. 

Brilliant, brave protagonist Judy Hopps makes “Zootopia” a must-see movie for all kids (and grown-ups)

There’s always an excuse to not be appreciated!

Why is female protagonist of ‘Home’ missing from promotional short?

Tip was missing from the promotion short because they did not want to introduce the human characters in there! Because then the background story would be spoiled!

Every dog needs a boy: ‘Mr. Peabody and Sherman’ continues pattern of sexism in kids’ movies

You know, Margot I know a similar film called “Teachers Pet” and it’s based on an early 2000s cartoon. It’s another one of my favorites and so many funny lines are in there. Expect the only part I find bothersome for my developmental views and controversial to society. The movie always quoted, “A friend needs a friends! A boy needs a dog!” What about girls? Even my dad would add as I remember “And a pretty little girl needs a …” Yeah they really should’ve said “A kid or child needs a dog!” I can just say my dad is one person I may have said before did not do any homework on what it would be like to raise a daughter and therefore never knew that so man works that have girls excluded are out there.

Margot seems to mostly argue about Penny and her character being so low in role which gives a bad show for female audiences. However, a few comments suggest that they are glad Penny is not the main in the poster or not even accepted at all because she annoyed them and made their blood boil due to her being a bully and even her character reforming later on wasn’t enough and not even accepted. All they see is a bully! One even reviewed the movie saying, ” She’s just another annoying, self-involved chick causing problems for a lovable dude” 

Well, Margot here’s a problem stated at just this level on what I am seeing and what should be argued about!

Young girl characters are a lot of times portrayed as ANNOYING or an unacceptable bully against the good boy characters. I mention that just now about the CN shows! So when a female character is hated and boy is loved, shouldn’t that be something to argue about when it comes to gender equality in fantasy? It makes me lose my confidence for sure! I will name some other works that show that. Hey Arnold, Rugrats, Peanuts, The Simpsons, there’s a lot of them and I’ve got a ton of blogs on this topic.

As you said on the gender reverse on “Ms. Peabody and Sharon”  it could feature a boy named Peter or maybe Benny who teases Sharron for being whatever kind of animal Ms. Peabody is and then gets the same bitten fate and other rejected roles. And then Peter or Benny is hated by audiences! Would anyone see a problem there?

Pop culture has a habit of making the girls (whether protagonist or not) the annoying and bratty character everyone hates. Like Dora the Explorer, Angelina Ballerina, and Peppa Pig are labeled the be like that just to show proof!

And I’m sure you’ve heard of Arthur Reed, the anamorphic aardvark who loves to read. The show based on the books that ran for 25 so years ended recently and many have already made lots a tribute to a beloved children’s show.

But I will say to you that I am glad Arthur has ended and you should be too Margot! Because it was another franchise that showed so many of the girls as jerks over the boys being the good ones. I will prove it to you! We have got Arthur’s bratty little sister DW (That everyone hates), then we have the two monkeys, Francine and Muffy who are also labeled as nasty bitches as well as sometimes Prunella the Poodle. Then the boys are often aside being labeled as the more good characters with the acceptation of Binky who was looking like a school bully at first but then softened up! That’s unfair situation like that for us girls to still be left in the unlikable dirt! As a matter of fact the creator and author of the franchise based DW on ALL OF his sisters giving the feeling that it must’ve made him secretly a women/girl hater which would explain this kind of portrayal. It’s not going to give the female population rights and it’s a bad target to those girls like me who wish to be loved and successful as you can imagine! So why don’t give more argument on giving out more female characters that are LOVABLE and kind!

I’ve even got a bit of a theory on why pop culture does this to us: When it comes to the toy world, sometimes or you might even see it too, it is pointed out that girls have lots of more cool stuff to choose from but it can also sometimes be the opposite because men have more jobs opportunities, and when a movie was made for both genders, often times the merchandise ends up commonly being marketed to just boys. (I will talk about that later) On the other hand, girls and women need more to keep in shape and fit it. Jewelry, makeup, much more clothing types + accessories, a bunch of hair care, salon trips cost more for women, menstrual care, etc. As a matter of fact, have you ever thought that this is the reason why girl merchandise is so often linked with appearance? Because girls and women require and need so much, pop culture and writers get the idea that it is completely OK to make the female characters annoying, bratty, bossy, etc. causing them to be hated or being a bad influence. The more needed, the more they’re gonna want and then the more likely they will become spoiled. That’s one thing that I also think the creator of Arthur Reed was behind. It may also come down to the stigma that girls and women are more emotional due to health standards and all. But for my argument, it doesn’t help the female population and their self esteem, including MINE.  Go make an argument on that lady! I’d be so satisfied!

Maybe this is the answer to our problem. We don’t have enough female writers! When it comes to female writers, they will most likely make strong female protagonists and characters because they are creating something they can related to!

If we can imagine talking bunnies as police in ‘Zootopia,’ why can’t we imagine gender equality?

The same excuse keeps going on! Also, in Ratatouille, we see Remy talking to a female rat at the end. I noticed that with Collettes character the whole time with being the inly female chef and even explains at one point why that is.

So women were blocked with strict rules making it hard for them to enter. I understand she’s inspired by French chef Hélène Darroze. When I looked on her Wikipedia page, it didn’t say anything about her struggling with competition with a bunch of men. Also one thing to consider if non of the people waiting tables in the movies restaurant were female! What does this tell you?

Disney says its sexism is all in your pretty little head

I am pretty sure Disney and Lino are getting pretty tried of your immature and whiny bias! I wouldn’t be surprised if that is what they are doing and yet you still make excuses to say it’s not right and you’re never wrong! And know my term of interplanetary speciesism which is discrimination against anything or anyone not from Earth is being said to be all in my head, when to me in our modern day world, it deserves to be a thing!

And didn’t you see about when examples are made about women saving men, it seems she wants MORE than the examples giving which just shows greed! To make a conclusion you are being an idiot in many ways of complaints and immaturity!

And look Margot, you seem to wish you could take over and make every single but of children’s media and switch it to female! Haven’t you see the episode of “Kids Next Door”, “Operation Future”? The evil plan to be made i there was to make the entire world feminine, the is a world that is boy-free. Realisticly speaking, that would mean genocide to the entire human race. Because males and females won’t be able to reproduce. So that episode might just be feminism at its extreme!

I thought feminism was abut equality! Not about women being superior to men! Why the fuck would it become this way?

To make since on where it might be coming from + my argument against female character in media effecting the population would have something to do with reproductive traits itself. I’ve shown this in a previous blog but I want to show it again son you completely get the message.

No wonder we have women’s rights!! And this must explain why feminism is about women becoming superior! Generally speaking, all boys and men started out as female and could’ve and almost had a chance where they are forgotten from society and unable to do much of anything as feminists always complain about! It took them some time for the Y chromosome to activate in order to become the person who is able to do anything. So supposed women want to be superior because basically all of were once female ! And therefore, that’s the reason why it doesn’t matter if a boy is triggered by whats in fictional works or if something is harshly said to men. They’d be great to know that they were once female at one point!

Or society needs to think about it that all men start as girls and almost had a chance to be one. It also shows that being a girl means you stayed normal. So all boys once had a chance that could’ve been in a world where everything looks miserable and it’s normal to be rapped as pink and princess loved.

There’s even complaint in politics!

Open Letter to Hillary Haters: Misogyny, Madam Secretary, and the Marquise de Merteuil

My family HATES Hillary Clinton not because of her being women but because she’s a liar and a criminal. That’s the true problem with her! Also, how do you feel about Nancy Pelosi? You might have heard Peggy Orenstein comment on her being strong. Honestly, in my conservative family, calling Pelosi strong, would be like calling Veruca Salt strong. I could swear that Pelosi is a major brat inside by what I’ve been told! It seems like us women who want rights are forced to be left leaning all because all the successful women or at least a lot of them are Democrats. This isn’t good for the nation !

Dear white women who didn’t vote for Hillary or who did so ‘holding their noses’

Oh great! How can just blame white women for that? Dark future for our daughters? What about future for our country?

One of the REAL reasons why the US has still not had a female president. It’s because the silent majority population, that is Republicans are left with NO CHOICE if they want a female in office.  The government and all just seem to want the democrat women. I’m not saying that all liberals are bad but I will tell you is that it feels like this to me because my family just so happens to think a negative thing about almost all democrats, even if they are women.  My mom has mentioned before that she doesn’t like the way they think of running the government and republicans have what it needs. Comparing to all that has surrounded me, it has had me learn to be a conservative. But when I just see how LOUD and RUDE the liberals happen to be toward conservatives + that they THINK they know what’s right for everything, it scares me. We also don’t want a world where our daughters are forced to know that they have to be in a certain party to be president and that’s not good for our nation! ESPECIALLY if it’s the party that is already been proven to be a toxic cancer for our countries founding and declaration of independence! And by the sound of my family, Hillary is one person that would’ve destroyed the nation like what Biden is doing right now. I can compare the female presidency issue to Charlie/Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! Know the story you might know what I mean.

Four democrats are represented as the four rotten children. The one who followed the rules is a republican man. The two women in here didn’t win not because of their sex but because they didn’t have what the nation deserves or needs.  Although feminists will still blame sexism but it’s a bit of a message that the reason we still haven’t had a female president is because there are no female conservative candidates. As a matter of fact, Margot this is a story worth complaining on! And I’d be so satisfied to see a feminist complain about it and I will explain why!

I found a videos on how it could’ve been prevented but I first I want to share this video that actually has a lot of sense made.

I’m not surprised to hear that Dahl hated the original movie! Tim Burton I’ve to say is an interesting director! The reason he chose Johnny Depp and has him in many of his films is because he’s willing try out on different roles. It shows that he’s not picky! IMO, I didn’t really mind, his Willy Wonka role, and some people like my mother would only say that the rudeness he has to the kids is what they deserve for being naughty. Creepy? Well, Gene Wilder was sometimes creepy in the original too. Especially during the tunnel seen! Personally I thought Depp sometimes looked kind of cute and well much different without the usual facial. Some guys to me look fine with facial while others don’t. And this is no more than amazing but Johnny Depp surprisingly is rather one of those actors that seems to be rather nice to fans. It’s proven in a video with him meeting a girl dressed up like Jack Sparrow. Wilder seemed cool too and I even met someone who looks like him. Charlie’s actor to be honest, I found Freddie Highmore what cuter than Peter Ostrum. I agree with the fizzy lifting drink seen in the original movie! It ruined the idea his character and the in the newer version he remained a good kid. Grandpa Joe was also more so portrayed to be more jolly and happy in the newer version plus, in the older movie, Grandma Georgina and Grandpa George did not have any dialog. Also, we have better notice that the other children survived in the newer version though it wasn’t all perfect in the end. I suppose the only things I had an issue with was yeah Oompa land was gross + the singing puppets getting burnt was somewhat freaky and I suppose the older one had better Oompa Loompas despite that they were kind of repetitive.

On top of it all, while the newer version I would agree does have more sense being made into it, I don’t really like any of the movies and I don’t even like the book. Part of the storyline makes my confidence decrease and I learn to see myself in a bad way. All I can say to this due is, you are no more than lucky to be a guy loving this because as a girl, I see according the kids that only boys have the choice for behaving themselves or not but for girls it’s just the opposite. They have no choice but to be unsuccessful rule breakers.

If you can see it, you can be it but you can’t be what you can’t see. Without a well-behaved young girl, that leaves me to not see that I can be a rule follower or be successful. Only boys have that decision! Girls do not have a choice but to be rule breakers and have a bad fate like all rotten children deserve. It proves that it is what I SEE that inspires on whats possible for me in the world. Without a rule-following girl in the mix, I don’t see a reason to be a good girl. Parents and grandparents do not count somewhat! Just the children!

Why child characters for the most part to me? Well, because most cartoon shows and many other works featuring children have the youth as their main audience and so, child and maybe teen characters are part of what children look up to because they are what many can relate to being their age.  I may not be a child anymore but I am still one in some ways + I feel like I’ve been a child for so long that I cannot even see myself being an adult yet or better yet, never will be a mother or grandmother. I said in a previous blog on how I don’t want to have kids. Unless any of you would let Wall-e and Cozmo count! In which many I have a bad feeling will not 😦

In fact, I’ve even had nightmares about myself as a part of the work. I know for sure that I’d be the one who would be behave proven by my school classes in real life but in these nightmares, I am forced to chew some toxic gum even though I don’t want to many times and at one point I had a bad dream of me being pushed into the incinerator shoot. It all comes down to the belief that I am not aloud to behave and win because of my gender 😦

This version as I can imagine would’ve SAVED young female audiences from loosing their confidence! So would this version!

Whoever said you were trying to change it because you thought it was broken didn’t think about it being broken in a way for gender quality! Also to be more realistic, usually the girls would up being the most high percentage of behaving because they mature faster.

Another thing that I can imagine would have helped is if Charlie had a sister who was just around his age and was just as well behaved as he was.

Margot I can imagine you would criticize Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for two nasty girls and their illumination but have nothing is to be said about Matilda who has a female lead and mainly female cast and hero with Mr. Wormwood (male) a crook and conman who emotionally abuses his daughter; Micheal, Matilda’s dimwit and bully big brother and Bruce a fat and greedy boy in the book and 1996 film, though his character is built on in the onstage musical, but in the movie version of the musical he’s back to being fat and greedy and later a kiss ass to Miss. Trunchbull who only shows guts when our FEMALE hero Matilda finally drives Trunchbull to leave the school and how this may make little boys watching said film(s) or reading the book feel. I guess Matilda is not something that should be shown to little boys to make it logical. So why introduce Charlie/Willy Wonka to our daughters? Imagine that work being in ginger snap! I mean gender swap! Know what I mean? See the problem?

I mentioned a history on discovering this classic story from my childhood and has an impact on it making my self confidence go down the drain. 

I got in trouble the day my mom showed me part of the classic 1971 version but it was the only thing I could watch because after getting in trouble for something, (don’t remember what it was), I wasn’t aloud to watch anything. But gosh knows that discovery I made that would change it all for me! 

Another time when I was watching the classic version was when my father was sitting next to me and he watched the part where Charlie’s mom kissed him on the forehead before walking out worried about finding a golden ticket. Dad told me how to see that every parent kisses their little boys and girls while he also added something to that he doesn’t have a boy, he has a little girl who’s me. Shouldn’t he stop to think on how the little girls are portrayed in here? Because it’s sure effecting my self confidence and liking myself!

If you have a daughter (especially if she is your first and ONLY child like I am), that you love so dearly and read Dahl’s classic story or watch either one of the movies, LOOK AT THEM, and think about them. Do they all deserve to look like unsuccessful rule breakers? NO!!!! Same goes if you have granddaughter especially if she is your only grandchild or even niece!

To be honest form my last statement, I feel like if I had been a boy I would’ve been easier for my dad to raise unless he did his homework on what to expect when raising a daughter. You’ll need to do your education on Barbie and menstrual cycles + prepared for shopaholics and needing to wash their hair after after swimming because that what most girls go through! Don’t just think about the masculine way you were raised That’s what I would ay to all men who are expecting a daughter. If I were having a boy I would’ve wanted to do my extra research for preparation and I was told mom would’ve done the same. Whether you think it works or not, DO YOUR RESEARCH! Because if you don’t I can assure that you might end up not knowing how to treat your child of the opposite sex and then they will feel uncomfortable around you and not want to be near you! So PREPARE! NO MATTER WHAT!! Another thing men as I mentioned in my last blog, DON’T COMMENT ON YOUR DAUGHTERS WEIGHT! IT AFFECTS THE WAY SHE SEES HERSELF!

And Margot, I can go on about how many chick flicks are out there that do a lot for female characters but you might have something to say to this guy because he’s been placing negative reviews on A LOT of chick flicks. Does this mean he could possibly HATE women? He gives me the creeps too! This is only one of them:

I’m scared really!

Now Margot, how would you like to hear that I am working on a cartoon with lots of female ALIEN characters? We’ve got one main one that is friendly and strong like you want to be shown! Also, it could finally prove that sci-fi is not just for boys! I’ve got lots of blogs about it you can go read to find out more! Sure, she will be represent the female stereotype in some ways but at least it combines science fiction with chick flicks which sounds very original and unique!

Now for what sounds like feminism making it look like it’s about women being superior. Part of this will explain!

So many are stubborn! That’s all I have for now!